New Tripod | Gitzo GT-1540T

Thanks to all who commented/emailed to help me with my tripod question last week! It was a great help for sure. Gitzo's website and their whole line of tripods is really confusing to understand, especially when there isn't a camera store near where you can see all the stuff in person.
The tripod I ended up going with is the Gitzo GT-1540T with a RRS BH-40 Pro II ballhead.
I really like the weight and size of the setup. It's small and light, but still pretty solid. It wasn't cheap though, about $1,100 all together for the legs, head, mounting plate, and an L plate. Insanely expensive but it's going to make a world of a difference!
The photo above is from last night, my first photo with it... 30 minute exposure, f/2.8, ISO 50, $1,000 tripod. The tripod is what counts. Kidding! Our photo friends make stupid tripod jokes all the time like "Soooo, what kind of tripod did you have for that shot?" Because it totally doesn't matter. Your tripod could be a bunched up sweatshirt with your camera laying on top... long as it's stable during the exposure, that's all that matters. Its not like a lens... where in that case the quality of the glass affects every photo you take.
Anyway here is a snap from last night of the setup (in Solvang at Natalie's sweet place!)

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Nice tripod but you have it posted three times on your blog.
lovely tripod-good heavens that is quite the cost but I'm sure worth it! Can't believe that the time has come for you to be heading off-be safe-give Bethany a big hug for us and find a way to post your adventures-we are going to be "travelling with you" for our geography lessons!(how's that for pressure!) love you both TONS
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