Takin off!
This is my last post at home in Oregon... Friday were taking off to Santa Barbara to shoot a wedding on Saturday. Then we're flying out of LAX on Wednesday to Australia to begin our crazy crazy adventure. I'm not sure if I'll keep on updating this blog, or if I'll start a new one for both of us. I've been thinking about trying out a Wordpress blog. Any suggestions?
Whatever I end up doing, I'll try and update often! I have a lot of catching up to do!
Here is a photo I took a few nights ago when the moon was full. The line going through is an airplane!
Whatever I end up doing, I'll try and update often! I have a lot of catching up to do!
Here is a photo I took a few nights ago when the moon was full. The line going through is an airplane!

Hey Blaine,
I really like my wordpress blog, but they have a 50MB limit on uploads. They do give you the option of purchasing more, though. Also, you can't edit your CSS. I still consider myself a newbie to blogging, so maybe there are ways around what I mentioned, but I haven't figured that out yet. Have fun in Australia! How fun!
hey man!
I have a wordpress blog too. Check it out here: http://jonasjungblut.com/blog Let me know if you have any questions...
do you wanna maybe meet for a coffee in SB when you're there? No idea how long you are going to be in town, but let me know...
How come there is a light trail behind the plane, but not the stars?
Wordpress has some nice options, but Blogger (Google) is pretty liberal on the free uploads.
Besides, we all know where your blog is right now!
Have fun in Australia. I hope you can post some pictures.
Another vote for blogger. Nina and kept our loved ones up to date during our trip to Australia last year with blogger - worked like a charm. Check it out at: wombat2006.blogspot.com
You guys are gonna love it over there. Cheers and have a safe trip!
Hey Vance,
Sorry I forgot to answer your question right away...
There is light trails behind the plane because it was moving so much faster through the frame than the stars. It was only a 30 second exposure because I forgot to bring my cable release with me. I would have loved to try a longer exposure and get the movement of the stars too... maybe next time!
Thanks for the comments everyone!
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