4,191 photos in 4 minutes 40 seconds!
Recently at Lake Powell I wanted to try something new, so I got the idea to put my cool little cable release gizmo to work. The camera (my 30d with a 15mm fisheye) was up on the top deck of our houseboat and I taped down the tripod so it didn't move or get knocked into the water! So I started the shooting early in the morning and ended it 8 hours later when we pulled into the dock. Houseboats don't travel very fast at all, maybe 5-10 mph max. So I set it to take a pic once every 7 seconds on average, sometimes more sometimes less. I just finished putting all the images together in a quicktime show and it turned out kinda cool... so check it out! It's a big file so hopefully you have high speed internet...


Blaine... dude... that was sweet! Great soundtrack too!
One card for 4191 shots?
It looked to me about half way through the day the driver had an alcoholic beverage at the wheel... then a lot of swerving around followed shortly thereafter. I'll have to remember to be careful around those 10 MPH house boats next time I'm out there! :o)
haha, ya you gotta watch out for drinking houseboat drivers! you don't want to be plowed over by one of them!
good question about the card. i switched it a couple times but don't think i needed to. i shot on small jpeg with a 2gb card. the counters highest number is 999, so i have no idea how many it will really hold!?
Dude, that was awesome!
hey....that´s sweet duude!
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