
Friday, September 25, 2009

Mt. Hood Timberline Trail - Day 4

I never got around to finishing and posting photos from day 4 (final day) of our Timberline Trail trek around Mount Hood. So here I am 2 years later finally getting around to it.... post has been added on July 18th 2012 but backdated so it shows up in order.

Mount Hood at Sunrise:

 Mount Adams and St Helens at sunrise, seen from Mount Hood:
 Saint Helens:

 Mount Hood and Eliot Glacier at Sunrise:
Mount Hood and Eliot Glacier at Sunrise:
Mount Hood and Eliot Glacier at Sunrise:
Eliot Glacier at Sunrise:
Mount Hood and Eliot Glacier at Sunrise:
Mount Hood and Eliot Glacier at Sunrise:
Mount Hood and Eliot Glacier at Sunrise:
Mount Hood and Eliot Glacier at Sunrise:
 Mount Saint Helens:
 Hood River Valley and Mount Adams:

 Mount Hood and Eliot Glacier

 Mount Hood and Eliot Glacier

 Mount Hood and Eliot Glacier

 Mount Hood and Eliot Glacier

 Mount Hood and Eliot Glacier

 Mount Hood and Eliot Glacier

 Mount Hood and Eliot Glacier

 Last photo just before reaching Timberline Lodge and celebrating with beers!

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