RIP - Thoughts and Snapshots Blog
A couple days ago I posted on my Thoughts and Snapshots blog that it will be killed. It was quite impossible to keep 3 blogs somewhat consistently updated, so now this blog will be everything separate from wedding & portrait photography which includes my stock, commercial, and snapshot photography, as well as random life stuff.
All of Bethany and I's wedding & portrait photography will be posted to the Blaine and Bethany Photography Blog
If there is one thing I enjoy more than professional photography.. its seriously snapshot photos! Anyone who knows me knows that I never leave "digimon" behind and I'm taking snapshots of anything and everything.
A few snapshots from the past 2 months of my life-
post trip beard
chad in michigan, making us some fancy drinks
super good Vietnamese food in the ghetto of detroit
thai tea!
don't know what triggered this face
ikea shopping in 100 degree heat
office furniture in a boxes
this chair might be a little wide for bethany
dirt bike + mountains + photography = awesomeness
sarah testing out what it would be like at bethany's level all the time
setting up the office. new imac.
awesome dog
bethany's favorite grocery store aisle
beer happy hour at cebu
the family... minus linz, plus colins gf kristen
colin & kristen
seth & zeke
seth and me shooting
dad and me dirtbiking
linz's gifts from nepal
linz's friend from bangladesh (long story but super funny)
awesome dinner by grandma franger
linz tennis superstar
sweet ride san diego
grandma white and bethany with their sweet shades
del mar fair
auntie chris getting the sweet angles
mako shark
3rd year anniversary dinner, encinitas
sweet rooster fro
del mar fair again
good ol brooks friends at the hash house
sweet mid yawn shot of dad, again
random wireless signal searching in NY
chillin lakeside in NY
bethanys favorite on a hot summer day

more to come!
All of Bethany and I's wedding & portrait photography will be posted to the Blaine and Bethany Photography Blog
If there is one thing I enjoy more than professional photography.. its seriously snapshot photos! Anyone who knows me knows that I never leave "digimon" behind and I'm taking snapshots of anything and everything.
A few snapshots from the past 2 months of my life-
post trip beard

more to come!
i am soooo glad that beard is gone :)
Hey - thanks for posting all those pics of your family - your mom looks EXACTLY like I remember her! Glad you guys are all doing well. :)
Hey, Does Seth have a wig on? His hair is crazy!
HAHAHAAH..... I LOVE Tyler's comment. Holy crap.... hahahahaha.... Seth does have crazy toupe hair.... And also,.,. yes: the beard was gross. HAHAHA!!!!!
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