
Saturday, March 01, 2008

I look like the Geico caveman

A blog reader (Luke Kermode) made a comment on my last post that I look like the Geico caveman you see in the Geico commercials. I got a laugh out of it. He couldn't be more right though, well, at least my hair and beard look a lot like his. Hopefully not my face though!

I've decided not to shave, or cut my hair until we get home in May! I'm gonna be a hairy mess!


  1. thats funny. i got told i look like obama the other day, i wasnt sure how to take it.

  2. whoa... is that a current pic? where were you all dressed up at?

    I gotta say, I kinda like the look for you!!!

  3. don't listen to anybody---it's all part of this trip! I stopped shaving for 2 weeks just when i went to yellowstone. When you get back, you ought to cut you hair super short and completely shave clean!

  4. Hi B and B, I like your new look, Blaine. It's good to know how you are doing. Love you both, Grandma R

  5. scruffy yet snuggly, right?

  6. .this is by far the best post I've seen from you blaine...... WOWZA!!!!!.

  7. SO AWESOME! :) Miss you guys!
