
Sunday, February 10, 2008

Myanmar internet is uh... interesting

Sorry about the lack of posting! Since my last post from Cambodia we've been in Laos, Thailand, and now we're in Myanmar (previously known as Burma) for the past week, and the internet here is crazy. There are of course lots of places with no internet at all, or just dialup that is like a thousand times slower than the dialup in America. A couple days ago I was able to access my email for the first time in 2 weeks, and it took over an hour to send 5 emails that were already typed! Haha. (no attachments either)
And to top it all off, there is electricity for a couple hours a day, and hot water only by firewood for an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening.

We love it here though. The Myanmar people are sooo friendly and genuine, and that has really made it a really enjoyable country to visit.
Our favorite so far has been Inle Lake. We stayed there for a few days and got so many awesome photos.

I'll try add a few, but I'm not sure if it will work!


  1. Blaine and Beth:
    Thank you for hanging in there to post an update! I'll confess to really beginning to worry. So, it was blessing to see you both with big smiles. Love, Michigan Dad

  2. Dude, you know the new RAMBO movie was set in Burma... be careful over there!!!

  3. Hey guys, more photos plz ;)

  4. Beautiful breathtaking photos.

