
Saturday, February 16, 2008

koala bear encounter in Australia

A question I've been asked a few times during this trip (3.5 months into it) is "what has been the highlight of your trip so far?"

While we've had many incredible experiences, this one stands out the most!

We were driving along the great ocean road in Australia, keeping an eye out for koala bears. We spotted quite a few, but most were at least 50 feet up in trees, and they looked like a little speck in the tree. Then I spotted one that was only about 25 feet up, so I had to stop and get photos. I took some with my 200mm that were ok, but I wanted to get much closer. So I decided to climb the tree! Man I am so glad I did.

I ended up taking photos so close to him that I was using a 15mm fisheye right in his face. He didn't mind a bit. He actually seemed to love the company!

So after 30 mins of taking photos, I had to... I pet him! He was soo soft, and almost seemed to be purring like a cat. It was quite the experience, one both Bethany and I will never forget! She climbed up too, got to pet him, and take pics. :)

I took tons of photos, and even a cool video. So, here is the proof!


A few photos:


  1. That is so awesome! Did you name him? You should give him a name! :)

  2. You should grab him, pop him in your suitcase and bring him home!!! What a sweet little guy.

  3. oh my gosh!!!! so crazy!!!! U guys are so lucky!!! Koala bears are my favorite animal ever!!!!! :)
