
Saturday, November 03, 2007

Santa Barbara!

We made it to Santa Barbara and so far everything has been going totally great! We shot the wedding today, which went really well, and we'll be in Santa Barbara hanging out with friends until Wednesday, when we fly to Sydney, Australia.

Today Bethany and I got a little lost trying to find the ceremony site. We parked our rental car and walked all around this park with our 50lbs of camera gear and didn't see any signs of the wedding. We asked a rollerblader guy (of course with really short, tight shorts) skating by and he pointed us in the right direction across the street. While we were walking around I found this woodpecker on a palm tree! Cool eh?


  1. all I can say is that I hope you slipped the short rollerbladerman in tight shorts my biz. card!!!!! hahahahahaha......the birdie pics are pretty good too, I GUESS!!!!! hahahaha.

  2. oh and tight shorts are way better than a short guy with just tight shorts bad!!!! I seriously was laughing so hard. k. nuff said.
