I used to blog about each wedding but I've kinda stopped doing that and have been posting slideshows on our slideshows page instead. So if you feel like watching some fun wedding slideshows, check it out HERE!
All this shooting takes up some serious disk space! A few months ago I bought a few 400 gig hard drives and they're full already. Tomorrow Bethany and I are running errands and meeting clients in Portland and I'm going to the uber-geeks heaven Fry's Electronics to pick up another terabyte or so. That will put us somewhere around 5 terabytes (5,000 gigabytes) of photos. Crazy!
Here are a few images from the past 3 weddings that are some of my favorite (in no particular order). Bethany most likely took the super sweet ones! :)

these are seriously sweet! and hey! did you guys move back up north?