
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

battleships are sweet

This huge battleship has been cruising around off the coast by our place for the past couple weeks. I think it's awesome because I can actually see it from our bedroom balcony. It's fun to wake up in the morning and open the blinds to the sight of a battleship putzing around in the ocean.


  1. hey Man!

    Well I guess that depends where you are. I am sure there is places in the world where a battleship outside the window is not what you want to see when you get up...
    did you get my email?

    hope to see you this summer...

  2. Hey Jonas,

    Ya that is a good point... in a lot of places that would be a really bad thing to see!

    I was just thinking in this situation how I am fascinated by the ships themselves. They are pretty amazing. What they are used for on the other hand is a whole different issue...
