
Saturday, January 06, 2007

going back to the old ways!

When I was in college my favorite thing to do was go out all night long and do super long exposures while I "painted with light". Painting with light involves setting up the camera on a tripod and keeping the shutter open while I run around inside the frame and pop flashes and/or wave around a flashlight on things inside the frame. The results are super fun to see because you really never know what it's going to look like!

So a few nights ago in Mexico there was a full moon, awesome clouds, and it was really warm out so everything was perfect to have some fun shooting all night long. Well, until 3AM at least.

I only have time to post a couple shots so here are 2 of my favorites... This is NOT PHOTOSHOP! :)


  1. that's so cool - I did a lot of long exposure stuff in college ,and an still a sucker for that sort of stuff. I love the uncertainy of it all!

  2. that's so cool - I did a lot of long exposure stuff in college also ,and an still a sucker for that sort of stuff. I love the uncertainy of it all.

  3. very cool Blaine! this something I will have to try :)
