Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo, Texas!
Well we are now in the final phase of our adventures away- Amarillo, Texas! Wow, this place is something else. I have decided that everyone here does mainly 4 things- eat, go to the movies, go to church, and get married! They aren't kidding when they say everything is bigger in Texas! The food portions at the restaurants (mostly steakhouses and BBQ) are huge, the move theatre's are huge, the churches are not only huge but it seems like there is 2 churches for every one person! Weddings seem to be a huge deal in Texas too, because there are wedding shops everywhere.
Texas is great fun though. Although I could never live here (too far from the ocean!) I really enjoyed visiting because the people are sooo warm and nice, and I love their accents!
Anyway Bethany and I shot a cool wedding here on Saturday, just two days after the La Ventana Wedding! I'll get the slideshow up soon!
Ok that was a big tangent... This post is really about the Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo that is super random and has no point at all, except for people like us to just wonder what the heck it's all about. Apparently there is a Amarillo millionaire named Stanley Marsh 3 who is super weird, so he just decided to put these Cadillac's in the ground at an angle, and there the Cadillac Ranch was born.
Here are some pics from when we went to see it last night...
My good buddy and old college roomy David Esler lives here in Amarillo, and so we got to stay with him, which was super fun. Check out his portfolio... he's insanely talented!

Bethany being all artsy with her new Holga camera that I got her for Christmas-

Texas is great fun though. Although I could never live here (too far from the ocean!) I really enjoyed visiting because the people are sooo warm and nice, and I love their accents!
Anyway Bethany and I shot a cool wedding here on Saturday, just two days after the La Ventana Wedding! I'll get the slideshow up soon!
Ok that was a big tangent... This post is really about the Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo that is super random and has no point at all, except for people like us to just wonder what the heck it's all about. Apparently there is a Amarillo millionaire named Stanley Marsh 3 who is super weird, so he just decided to put these Cadillac's in the ground at an angle, and there the Cadillac Ranch was born.
Here are some pics from when we went to see it last night...
My good buddy and old college roomy David Esler lives here in Amarillo, and so we got to stay with him, which was super fun. Check out his portfolio... he's insanely talented!

Bethany being all artsy with her new Holga camera that I got her for Christmas-

I've been wanting to go there forever. Cool shots.
Did dave really spray apint his name on the car? that really dosn't seem like him.
yep he sure did, spraypainting the cars is actively encouraged at the ranch. there were full spraypaint cans laying around everywhere!
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