
Saturday, June 03, 2006

self portrait x2

A self portrait of Bethany and I taking a self portrait at our favorite camping spot in the Alabama Hills, CA.


  1. I like this pic... you kinda love camping don't you?

  2. Wonderful camping spot!

  3. Hi Blaine, I just found your blog through browsing around and your work blows my mind. I'm big into photography as well and some of what I have seen amazes me. This picture is brilliant, I'm guessing you had some kind of remote?

    Thanks for the eye opener,

  4. Hey Chris.
    Thanks for the comment man, I'm stoked you like my photos! The pic here is me and my super cool wife... :)

    I set the camera on a tripod and used the 10 second self timer, then ran into the shot and posed. We had to be super still because it was a 30 second exposure!

    I'd love to check out your work.. do you have a website?
