This is my blog, hope you enjoy! There isn't much I don't love photographing although my favorites tend to be nature, animals, landscapes, travel and people. I am lucky to call Hood River, Oregon home but definitely love to get out and travel! Stoked on life, hope you are too, it's a wonderful ride. Also do wedding & portrait photography! Blaine and Bethany Photography
Monday, April 17, 2006
30 minute exposure with Canon 5d
Last night was so warm here in Florida and the sky was clear, so I went out to the dock and watched the stars. I wanted to try out my new cable release so I just set the 5d on the ground with a 15mm fisheye lens and got this shot. Its not an amazing photo, but I was just excited that the 5d is capable of a 30 minute exposure without minimal noise. But there is still 2 problems... The in-camera noise reduction takes another 30 minutes so the total time is 1 hour, and after one hour the battery was just about dead. Digital is really close to being great for really long exposures, but I still think film is the way to go for exposures longer than 10 minutes. Ok enough with my photo nerdness....

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