
Tuesday, August 09, 2005

published in Mens Health Magazine

A few months ago Mens Health Magazine (Italian Version) contacted me because they needed photos for an article about "Speed and Velocity". They had found my website and thought that my photos would be a perfect fit for the article. Speed and motion is totally one of my favorite things to photograph, so I was happy to sell them the images! I only have one copy of the magazine, so I scanned the pages wth my photos so all you can see!

-The cover (not my photo)-

-Contents page (photo on top is mine)-

-Another inside page (top right photo is mine)-

-Double page spread with my weird feet picture-

-Airplane landing at Santa Barbara Airport-

-Big ship on Lake St. Clair, MI-

-A fun car lights swerving picture in Boulder, CO-

-Train nightshot in Mojave Desert, CA-

-If anyone knows what this says, let me know!-

-If anyone knows what this says, let me know!-


  1. Great stuff!!! Congrats. (Incidentally, has Corbis allowed you to sumbit some images yet?)

  2. Thanks Dylan... How did you know about Corbis? Do I know you?

  3. Hi, I thought I read it on your blog but it was probably the yahoo stock board. I want to show corbis some shots but they haven't got back yet. It must have been a month since I filled in their form.

  4. Cool Dylan. Ya it was probably on Yahoo groups. Shoot me an email, I'd love to see your website if you have one and share some info on stock agencies.

  5. Here's the best my 2yrs of Italian can do...

    Leaving a trace/track
    Above, one of the releases of Blaine Franger for our service on speed.
    Underneath, the party for the "new" Men' s Health on April 18th at the Workshops of the Flight of Milan: hosts of honor, directly from Zelig, Ale and Franz ???

    It speeds up your heart. It excites you in competitions. It follows you at work. It's a challenge & you're not afraid. You undergo it and want to stop it. Travel in the great masculine passion: speed.
